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sMOOch Cow Bell

sMOOch Cow Bell

Who else “needs more cow bell” in their life??? lol. We Weimer’s definitely did. How cute is this one!?!

We all got a cowbell at a Visalia Rawhide baseball game a few years ago…We have one sitting with our baseball kitsch in the den, but I’ve wanted to turn one into something cute ever since we got ’em…So today, I did! And it was so simple…First, I sanded the paint and finish off with fine sandpaper. Then, I wrapped twine around the handle, just because. Finally, I printed a “RING FOR A SMOOCH” tag…primarily because I couldn’t find my paint pens anywhere! 😛

This craft was inspired by a bunch of wedding ideas I found on Pinterest, but I changed it to sMOOch because…well…IT’S A COW BELL, DUH! 😛 (Surely I’m not the first person to put these two things together??? lol) I’m totally looking forward to smooching my hubby the first time somebody rings it. 😉

And finally, here it is, all zhuzhed up for fall! I just added a few berries that fell off my fall garland. lol.