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My Creative Process

My Creative Process

My creative process can be summed up in eight words…”I make it up as I go along.” 😉 Who else knows what I’m talking about?!  I know I can’t be the only one. lol

This wreath, still a work in progress, is the perfect example of how I make things up as I go along.

I found the supplies at various thrift stores over the last few weeks…First, I was inspired by the .50 wreath frame.  Then, I started finding raffia everywhere!

Now, I’m not sure if I dreamed it or I really saw it, but I could have sworn that I’d seen a video of one of my favorite craft bloggers on Facebook making a raffia wreath not long ago.  I can’t find the video now to save my life, but I had a pretty good idea how I was going to do it…So, I did!  I cut the raffia in 10″ lengths, untwisted them, and then tied them on, as you can see in the pictures.

Obviously, the wreath needed something more.  So, after finding these stars for $1 each the other day, I laid one on top of the wreath, to see how it looked.  It definitely helped, so I stapled a piece of twine to the back of the star and tied it on, temporarily. 😛 (If you know me, you know I have craft commitment issues. lol)

Anyways, I had hoped it would look more like a sunflower, but I haven’t given up on it yet.  Should inspiration come, I may revamp the whole thing!  We’ll just have to wait and see. 😉

Out the door, this wreath has only cost me $4 so far! Not bad for beautiful, unique, handmade decor!

Well, thanks for reading, sweet friends!  Hope this idea provides inspiration for you on your next thrift store expedition. 🙂